Saturday, March 9, 2019

Principal Rules to master the ‘ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING’

Public speaking – the Greek’s art is always considered as a rough play ground by many leaders. Majority try to move away when they are presented with a chance to deliver a speech. Here we will discuss about principal rules which can be easily followed by any and master the ‘ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING’.
Image result for public speakingcredit: third party image reference
What is preparation? Is it reading books, listening to speeches, collecting ideas? No, these can help you get ideas but when it is presented in the same way as it is read / heard, these might not be received well by audience because they might feel that something is lacking. Connection with audience will happen only when are you sharing your feelings and experience with right mix of factual / relative information. Hence preparation should always be as a process of thinking, recalling, selecting the ides which appeals to you, polishing them with your experience factor and creating a pattern for delivery.

Image result for public speakingcredit: third party image reference
Researches quotes that an average human does not use above 10 %of their actual brain capacity for memory. So any one can practice and harvest the remaining 90 % of their brain capacity as per their needs. To do so you should follow the key rules ‘impression’, ’repetition’ and ‘association’.
‘Impression’ can be gained by deep, clear thoughts in the mind. This can be achieved by strong preparation. ‘Repetition’ is working on initial thoughts gathered numerous times until it seeps in your sub conscious mind. An energetic concentration will help you to do this task. ‘Association’ is the key factor as vague thoughts without proper linkage can be dangerous. Hence always associate your ideas in a certain pattern can help you recall whenever necessary.
Image result for public speakingcredit: third party image reference
3. Good Delivery:
Delivery is not about throwing whatever you have prepared at audience. It is a sign of sincere attempt to connect with the audience through rigorously practiced delivery style / pattern. Great orators have a right balance between content, tone of delivery and connection with audience. Be enthusiastic to convey your points to the audience. As your sincerity, earnest, enthusiasm can always be read by audience and these will be appreciated.

Practice all these rules and take advantage of your skills to master the ‘ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING’.

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