Here are the Top 5 things to do instead of watching TV
- Draft your dream business plan: You can list down idea and map necessary actions to be taken against each idea to bring that to reality. It need not be a complete business plan but a draft one which reminds and keeps on you track of following your dream.
- Sell used items Ebay: You might have a garage full of unwanted and to be sold items. Make a note of them and try selling them in Ebay. This will help you earn some extra income with your unused items.
- Write an ebook: Are you interested in writing? Try writing a book in PDF format and find a proper online publisher. This way you can always keep your writing skills sharp and earn extra on the go.
- Enroll for any Freelancing Job: Freelancing is performing a job/task independent to any specific employer. There are many sites like Fiver and Upwork which helps you make a start. Enroll yourself and find a job/task of your interest.
credit: third party image reference- Improve your LinkedIn profile: Even though if you are not looking for a job change, always keep your LinkedIn profile updated with all your latest achievement and skills. This will help your potential employer to find you.