Friday, January 9, 2009

Free online resume builders

Online Resume Builders
Having a well-structured resume online is a common fashion nowadays. There are a few features of a good resume you should be aware of:

1. Your online resume should be indexed by Google (and get ranked on the first page when a search for your name is performed). A good recruiter or a potential employer is likely to search for your full name in Google before even interviewing you;

2. Your online resume should have your full name (and probably occupation) in the page title - this makes your resume listing stand out within Google search results;

3. (well, an obvious one but not all online resume builders allow for that) Your online resume should be properly organized and look neat.

While #1 seems the most important to me (as all other features are pointless unless your online resume can be found at all), I have found three free online makers that have good indexing and ranking abilities:


This social media startup allows for plenty of self-promotional options (resume and portfolio hosting, samples of work showcasing, networking, etc).

PeopleJar - resume creator online

How well are resumes ranked in Google?

  • the site architecture (members spotlight, networks, etc) allows for deep Google indexing, so all resumes are very well indexed and ranked;
  • each resume page title consists of the full name and the area of expertise (pattern: Your Name’s Makeup Artist Profile);
  • search-friendly URLs (a profile URL contains the member’s full name) also contribute to better rankings.

How well are resumes organized?

  • Each profile is broken into several sections (”General”, “Education”, “Career”, “Traits”, etc) that makes a resume concise and easily read and well-structured;
  • Members are also allowed to upload videos and photos (for example, a makeup artist resume can be enhanced by showcasing the artist’s previous work photos).


This online resume creator allows you to create very detailed and well-organized (and more traditional-looking) resumes.

Emurse - resume creator

How well are resumes ranked in Google?

  • resumes are mainly indexed from the home page (which links to recent and popular resumes) - so unless linked from other sites, your resume can perform rather poorly in Google;
  • the resume page title consists only of the full name (the format: Full Name’s Resume);
  • each resume is hosted on a sub domain (

How well are resumes organized?

Like I said, Emurse builds more traditionally-looking resumes: more text and less design. Each resume contains plenty of information all displayed on one page - however HTML editing is allowed to make it look more attractive and eye-catching.


While this resume maker does allow for a few pretty fun options (for instance, availability schedule), its features could have been organized better, I guess.

jukeduke - resume maker

How well are resumes ranked in Google?

  • Profiles are indexed via links in the sidebar (that contains too many links to allow for good indexing);
  • Each resume title contains the member’s full name and location.

How well are resumes organized?

All information is performed on one page in blocks - which looks a bit fuzzy. You can try to change the look and feel of your resume - but even best resumes look a bit overwhelming to my mind.

Are you aware of more good resume hosting services? Please share!


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