Earning is not important for prosperity, saving wherever possible is the KEY. Lets discuss on 6 amazing tips to save more money and build wealth.
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1.Buy in BULK and ON SALE:
Anyone with a supermarket member like Reliance Fresh / Big Bazaar / Hyper Market can test that buying in bulk saves money. This rule is only applicable for goods which you actually need and which don’t get spoiled over time. Always watch for a moment to use coupon on the items which are on SALE.
2.Stay away from Credit Cards:
If you have a credit card then you are travelling on dangerous path. A credit card encourages people to make impulse purchases regardless of whether or not they can actually afford it. By using a credit card you are prone to spend more money than you actually plan to spend.
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3.Buy it straight from Manufacturers:
Try to cut off the middleman wherever possible. You will be surprise to know the price difference when you order something straight from the manufacturers. Always try this option first before you try purchasing anything through a middleman.
4.Live below your means:
The biggest problem for a lot of people is they spend more money than they earn. Ensure to live a life of your means rather than trying to impress / satisfy others. This makes you save more money rather than expense.
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5.Start earning Passive Income:
It is nearly impossible if you are breaking your back for every single penny. Poor people work and spend their time to earn money. But millionaires invest smartly in ways which generate passive income. One way to do this is via investments.
6.Surround yourself with successful people:
In general people around you influence you a lot. Hence trying to be in a group of successful people will always paving way for more opportunities, provide motivation to earn more and get rich.
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